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Statement on behalf of Psychology Students for Social
Responsibility, Pacifica Chapter (PsySSR-PGI)
In recognition of the fact that PsySSR-PGI is aware of its potential power as an
organization to affect change in the racial climate of Pacifica, which is understood to
be a profound ethical responsibility to not only the PsySSR and BIPOC communities,
but also to the field of psychology, being a so-called “healing” profession; and
In recognition of the fact that PsySSR-PGI is in a position to listen to, learn from, reflect
on, and uphold the voices of students of color facing structural racism at Pacifica,
without which a way forward would not be possible; and
In recognition of the fact that PsySSR-PGI is aware that this is not a time (nor is there
ever a time) to argue with, belittle, criticize, or dismiss the voices of those who have
been strategically silenced by overt and covert racism; and
In recognition of the fact that PsySSR-PGI is devoted to prioritizing the moral and
emotional support of those in struggle with systemic racism; and
In recognition of the fact that PsySSR-PGI is thereby committed to the uncovering of
overtly and covertly racist ways of being at any and all levels of authority; and
In recognition of the fact that PsySSR-PGI appreciates the beauty of radical change as
the only appropriate, compassionate, and just response to long-standing and
unacceptable systems of oppression and injustice; and
In recognition of the fact that PsySSR-PGI is making known its purpose at Pacifica
being to make a space for all-inclusive dialogue regarding reparations on an
institutional level to proceed naturally; therefore
PsySSR-PGI stands in solidarity with everything stated in the attached documents, and
acknowledges that without taking such a stand, accountability and change will not be
possible and therefore systems of racial oppression will continue to thrive in academic
institutions, meaning that PsySSR-PGI, along with Pacifica, would be in the position of
continuing to uphold such oppression. Pacifica is in a position of exceptional power
and has a responsibility beyond that of the average institution, and if these systemic
issues are not addressed, then Pacifica will be educating future generations of depth
clinicians who would continue to perpetuate socially sanctioned racial oppression.
Kelty Walker,
Founder and Co-President of PsySSR-PGI
Clinical Psychology PhD Student, Pacifica Graduate Institute